Thursday, September 17, 2009

Good night and sweetest dreams

There are times when so many things in life touched our hearts. These are the things you know you will not forget no matter how long it takes. These are also the things that whenever you feel down, you will often hold on to these memories and wonder why, why do they have to go away. Many a times, we wish we could turn back time, to make things work, to correct certain things in our lives. What we did not wonder is, maybe we had already corrected them in certain ways, therefore it is time for us to move on, to help other people, amend other things. Probably in order for us to concentrate on helping others, we need to stay away from the ones we helped previously, the ones we touched their lives before so they can move on to help the people in need of their attention. Probably these are also the memories that we go through and need not ponder about the 'what if' question...
Having someone to wait for you to turn in before going away is probably 1 of the hardest thing to forget...

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