Sunday, October 4, 2009


Occasionally, we have restless days. These are one of those days when we look back at the past 1 year to reflect on what had happened in our lives. These are also one of the times when we think, where are the plans that were supposed to happen, supposed to be fulfilled? Why are they not in the real world? Are some of us really that bad a planner? Or maybe we should think about the surrounding factors that affect our plans. For example, People. Humans are selfish in nature, and often one will think for one self in any situation. Who are we to blame, when we put in effort in hoping that things will work, while others do not reciprocate? Worst still, some of us might get opposite reactions; instead of being thankful, we might be accused of having certain agendas. Repeatedly, we were given many empty promises, tinted pictures. As jaded as we had felt, we still cling on to traces of hope, in an attempt to make things work. In the end, we were again greeted by this thing called disappointment, and forced to sink back in to reality. Yeah these are one of those days we need a tequila, martini and belini to wash down that monday blues out of our dysfunctional system.

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